(Applicants might be required to enter into a commuted overtime contract.)
SALARY : R1 051 368 per annum (OSD)
CENTRE : Universitas Hospital, Bloemfontein
REQUIREMENTS : Registration with HPCSA as Medical Specialist in a normal specialty. Experience: Grade 1: none after registration with HPCSA in a normal specialty. Knowledge and Skills: ACLS, ATLS, APLS.
DUTIES : Clinical service delivery. Medical administration and management. Teaching, training and research. The candidate will also have to participate in outreach activities and commuted overtime. Maintain quality assurance standards.
ENQUIRIES : Dr R Nathan Tel No: (051) 405 3496
APPLICATIONS : applications to be send to: The Chief Executive Officer, Universitas Hospital, Private Bag X20660, Bloemfontein 9300 or hand delivered at HR Offices, Room 1115, 1St Floor Universitas Hospital, 1 Logeman Street, Universitas, Bloemfontein