SALARY : R1 005 011 per annum (all-inclusive package which includes basic salary of 70% of the package and a flexible portion that may be structured in terms of the applicable SMS guidelines per annum).
CENTRE : Head Office (Human Resource Management)
REQUIREMENTS : A degree/ (NQF Level 7) in Human Resource Management. A minimum of 5 years’ relevant experience at middle/senior management level. Excellent knowledge of the Public Service Act (PSA), Public Service Regulations (PSR), Employment Equity Act (EEA), white paper on Transformation and Batho Pele, Basic Condition of Employment Act (BCEA), Labour Relations Act (LRA), Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Human Resource Systems. Code B driver’s licence.
Human Resource Management in the Public Service will be an added advantage. Excellent communication (verbal and written), analytical and problem solving, sound project and financial management, strategic capability and leadership, excellent planning and organising, good negotiation and conflict management, excellent managerial and change management and computer literacy skills.
DUTIES : Manage the effective implementation of Human Resource Management, including Human Resource Development, Human Resource Administration, Labour Relations, Organisational Development and Recruitment. Oversee the management and promotion of fair and sound Labour Relations. Strategically manage special programmes, including Employee Health and Wellness (EHWP).
Manage resources (Human, Finance, Equipment, Assets) in the Directorate. Oversee and provide support to the designated operational and delegated management responsibilities of the HRM Directorate. Ensure the realisation of performance outcomes and MPAT. Optimise the achievement of service delivery and unqualified clean audit opinion. Serve as member of the Senior Management Team.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Hayden Pillay Tel No: (011) 227 0067
APPLICATIONS : Please forward applications, quoting the relevant reference number to The Gauteng Department of Social Development, 69 Commissioner Street, Thusanong Building, Johannesburg or posted to- Private Bag X35, Johannesburg, 2000.
FOR ATTENTION : Mr Z Jaca Tel No: (011) 355 7678